Friday, 30 January 2015

Remember... you imp.

 There was a time when we were carefree, when all we had to worry about was whether we will be spanked for taking sweet from one “uncle”, or whether mum will know again that we have been playing when she went out (many have labeled their mum witches for that). Remember when you were the perfect imp, when as a kid;

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The specie called "ITK"

ITKs, popularly known as I Too Knows, are a specie of human beings who are characterized by the excessive urge to spill out their brains through their mouths and in the process, develop a stutter, often spraying all human and non-human beings with acidic spittle.

Sunday, 25 January 2015


According to a survey conducted by Mariam etal (everybody is conducting one nowadays so why not me?) over the period of 16 years, the conclusion has been drawn that the age group most susceptible to the act of snitching are the 2-8 years and the 70 and above, basically, the kids and the elderly.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Taking the Breath Away

 When romantics hear phrases like, “he’s breathtaking”, she took his breath away”…, they go like “awwww!” and have this expression that Tom has when he falls in love in Tom and Jerry, you remember right? But those who are not will be like “oh puhlease!”.