Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Things That Make Me Want To Commit Murder

Normally, I am a gentle, easy going person by nature. But we all know we have our dark sides and we have things that trigger them.
There are some things that just make me want to commit murder, like;

1.  Accusing me wrongly; if you want to be in my black book, do this. The only person that gets away with this is my mum.
Once, she accused me of misplacing her reading glasses. After shouting at me for like a lifetime, I calmly pulled it off her forehead where it was perched and just walked away while she gaped in shock.

2.  Picking your nose while talking with me; that’s one of the most disgusting things ever. Especially if it’s a man.
 Once, I was talking to a cute guy I met in a bank. The next thing he did was to start picking his long, flutelike nose and rubbing the dirt on the chair we were sitting on. It was an unconscious act for him because he was still feeling cool with himself. Probably thinking he is impressing me. I kept thinking “see this stupid gutter rat. I had to excuse myself before I could throw up in his face.

3.  Ordering me to go and clean a baby or toddler up after he’s finished with his toilet business; my sisters and aunts do this a lot and I’m ashamedto say I sometimes take it out on the kid. Say, for instance, he is being uncooperative or too cheerful, a smart smack on the bare buttocks is all I give.
Really, I hate that errand.

4.  Disturbing me while I’m reading or watching something extremely interesting; dad does this a lot, especially when he is bored.
He will just come and be like “oya, come and cut this bottle into two for me, I want to experiment with the bathroom tap, it’s been dripping” or some task that is equally infuriating.

5.  Waking me up for a totally frivolous reason while my sleep is at the “sweetest point”; again, dad is the real customer when it comes to this. He would just come in and wake you up,

“you are sleeping ehn? Oya, go and wash the walls of the veranda”


“go and wash my car tires, I might be going out next week”


“go and arrange my table”


“go and be watching the sun set”

6.  Shouting at me (and/or nagging); oh! I so much dislike rthis. It makes me so mad at the person that is doing it.

7.  Dirtying where I just tidied; it is like you just broke my herat when you do this.

8.  Betraying me in anyway; this includes blackmasiling (which is my brother’s specialty), stealing anything from me, excluding me from something you know I absolutely love to be involved in, flattering me with the purpose of getting something from me, abandoning me when I need you or making me feel bad when you do me a favour.

Hey, I'm sure you are not selfish, so share this.

1 comment:

  1. Well madame, if u can't wash ur nephews or nieces bum-bum happily, it means you can't wash my son's or even be happy to help......therefore, i MIGHT be VERY reluctant if you were on the recieving end *tongueout*
