Thursday, 26 March 2015

Re: Funny Toasts (Guest Post)

This is in response to your funny toasts. I had one recently and I wanted to share it. It was a funny toast quite alright but I was the clown. In case you are still wondering, I am the guy.

It happened on a sunny Friday. One of those days you just wake up feeling energized. I quickly shovelled down the left over beans that was in the kitchen and bounced out of the house to conquer the day. At about 12pm, I decided to go for a break. I was feeling adventurous so I walked in to the cafeteria near my office to scout for a nice babe, a beautiful, dark one with firm flesh in the right places. Not those light skinny ones that remind me of okporoko fish used for my native delicacies.

As I sat down at a vantage point in the cafeteria with a cold drink to calm down, I scanned and zoomed in on a girl sitting at the far end. Just the type I was looking for.

“Gotcha!” I smiled inwardly then used style to check out myself. After confirming that my swag is cool I walked up to her and we started conversing. I knew at that moment she was thinking I am a cool and classy guy. Don’t ask me how I did, I just knew.

Everything was going on smoothly and I almost had her eating out of my hands when this loud churning sound came from my stomach.

“Chai! This belle wan spoil my groove” I cursed inwardly.

I acted as though nothing happened and continued with my flow. It happened the second time, then the third, each sound getting louder like a storm is about to burst. I started feeling the urge to go to the restroom.

Damn, just when she was getting my flow this had to happen. I had to excuse myself and preserve the little dignity that I have got left before the damn beans I ate reduces me to the point of no value before “she who I wished to woo” now “she who is wrinkling her nose at the little fart that escaped”.

I had to fake a phone call and hurriedly say bye to her. Immediately I got out the cafĂ©, I boarded a bike and told the bike man to “fly” to my house. This is not the business that is done in a public toilet, it is a private the time I got home, I had to hold my boxers tight then walk and wait, walk and wait. As I passed the sitting room, my sister called 

“Hey, why you walking funny?  you are practicing a new dance or what? Answer me now ahn ahn…”

“Shut the hell up!” I managed to croak out.

After the smelly business, I discovered I was smiling. Then I remembered, I got her contact.

We are good friends now by the way.


  1. Lol, he got her contact after all...another chance to impress her

  2. Lol, he got her contact after all...another chance to impress her
